🧰 How it Works

Cheapest, most Secure, and Greenest cloud asset is the one that doesn’t exist.

The foundation of our unutilized resource detection algorithm lies in analyzing CloudWatch metrics, and last activity data

🛠 One Minute Setup

Quickly connect your AWS accounts with our user-friendly wizard and CloudFormation template, it only takes a minute! 🧙

🤖 Analyze

unusd.cloud will securely analyze your AWS accounts using read-only permissions to identify running or orphaned assets across all AWS regions 🌎, helping you optimize your cloud usage.

Supported services (Usual Suspects):

  1. EC2 Instances
  2. EC2 on Dedicated Hosts 3. RDS Instances
  3. EBS/RDS Snapshots
  4. CloudWatch LogGroups
  5. SageMaker
  6. IAM Principals
  7. Detached EBS Volumes
  8. Unused EIPs
  9. Redshift Clusters
  10. Glue DevEndpoints
  11. More to come…

📯 Report

After analyzing your accounts, 💸 unusd.cloud will send to your operational teams a digest report to your preferred communication channel (Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Email) containing insights on unusd resources and their associated current and forecasted costs 💰

Learn more

🗯 Integrate with tools you already use

Our reports are delivered directly to your team’s preferred communication channels:

  • Email
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams

Save up to 15% on AWS

On average, our customers experience a significant 5 to 15% reduction in their AWS expenses. With savings like these, choosing our service is a no-brainer.


Active users




since 2022

Assets Waste Awareness

Optimize Cloud Spending

Integrated with your Ops

Reduce Attack Surface

🔄 Scan, Turn off, Save Money, Repeat

We offer a powerful solution for waste detection on AWS. Our product supports multiple AWS services, including EC2, RDS, CloudWatch, Snapshots, IAM, Glue, Redshift, SageMaker, EBS, and Elastic IPs.

With unusd.cloud, you can easily identify and eliminate any unused resources, saving you time and money on your AWS bill and reducing your attack surface.

🫶 What our Client says