Our latest Features and Improvements
Your trusted partner for AWS cost optimization and cloud financial management.
Version 3

Version 3.0.0
Version 3.0.0
New Detections
- 🔎 [Detection] Unused VPC Endpoints
- 🔎 [Detection] Unused LoadBalancers
- 🔎 [Detection] Unused Secrets in Secrets Manager
- 🔎 [Detection] Unused Route53 Hosted Zone
New Recommandations
- 🆙 [Optim] S3 Optimization (Storage Class)
- 🆙 [Optim] CPU Architecture (Graviton) for Managed Services
- 🆙 [Optim] Bedrock Model Invocation Optimization
New Feature
- 🌐 Web reports, view and share our findings with ease
- ✨ Brand new report design
- 📋 Integrated AWS CLI Snippets to let you fix issues with a copy/paste
- 💪 ProTips recommandations for each findings
EC2 Updates

Version 2.9.1
EC2 Dedicated Hosts Detection
New Features:
- 🗃️ [EC2] New detection of Dedicated Hosts.
CloudWatch & UI Updates

Version 2.9.0
CloudWatch Enhancements & UI Improvements
To benefit from this new version, you will have to deploy a new IAM policy version (0.6).
New Features:
- 🗃️ [CloudWatch] New detection of LogGroups without expiration.
- 🛍️ New Pricing Model with features dedicated to paid users.
- 📧 Better Email Subject with AWS account friendly-name or alias.
- ✨ UI: Display CustomerId in edit modal.
- ✨ UI: Spoke Role Template Version in reports.
- ✨ UI: Spoke Role Template also available in Terraform (HCL).
Bug Fixes:
- 🪲 Bugfix: Resolved an uncommon issue affecting network analysis.
Bill Analysis & Asset Detection

Version 2.8.0
AWS Bill Analysis & Enhanced Asset Detection
To benefit from this new version, you will have to deploy a new IAM policy version (0.5).
New Features:
- 🔝 Where do I spend my Money? Display the TOP5 AWS Services (Month to Date) of your Bill.
- 📸 [Snapshots] New detection of Snapshots older than 90 days (EBS + RDS)
- 🤖 [SageMaker] New detection of Endpoints and Studio Apps
- 💤 [RDS] Display only Databases Instances with no connection since 7 days.
- 🔗 Direct link to asset (AWS Console) on all services (MS Teams)
IAM Enhancements

Version 2.5.0
IAM Enhancements & UI Improvements
To benefit from this new version, you will have to deploy a new IAM policy version (0.4).
New Features:
- 👑 Identify IAM Principals with PrivilegeEscalation capabilities (👑 emoji next to the name)
- 🏷️ ExceptionTag feature added to IAM Principals (Roles + Users)
- 🔗 Direct link to asset (AWS Console) on all services (Slack)
- ✨ Display AWS Bill drift percentage exact value
- ✨ Align CustomTag feature to EBS + EIPs
- ✨ Remove the requirement of off value on ExceptionTag
- ✨ Enhanced Microsoft Teams output and align supported services
- ✨ Refreshed landing page (
- 🪲 Bugfix on drift detection (divided by zero)
- 🪲 Code cleaning and better wording
Account Management & UI Updates
Version 2.2.0
AWS Account Management & UI Enhancements
New Features:
- 🏷️ Friendly name for your AWS Accounts
- 🔗 Direct link to IAM Console for Slack IAM Findings
- ⬇️ Display the template version and a notification when outdated
- ✨ Display EBS Volume Size in reports
- ✨ Improved presentation of the current scan status
- ✨ Restricted the payload size for the IAM Principals section due to Slack’s limitation
- 🪲 Bugfix in Custom cron Input field
- 🪲 Bugfix in Inputs fields when switching browser tabs
- 🪲 Bugfix on CustomTag function in edit mode
IAM & Bill Analysis
Version 2.0.0
IAM Principals Detection & AWS Bill Analysis
To benefit from this new version, you will have to deploy a new policy version (0.3).
New Features:
- 👷♀️ Unusd IAM Principals detection (Users and Roles)
- 💸 EC2: Show per asset spend since launch time
- 💣 AWS Bill drift detection (+20% since last scan)
- 🔒 Send Email when permission is missing or absent IAM Role
- ✨ Newer version of “In Progress” mode
- ✨ Display license status in communication channels
- ✨ Better Slack Reports: headers, emoji, ordering
- 🪲 Typo in Slack report
- 🪲 Bugfix in LongRunnerThreshold
- 📦 Internal: Better handling of IAM Role deployment callback
IAM & Security Updates
Version 1.3.5
IAM Role Deployment & Security Improvements
New Features:
- 👷♀️ Added a deployment callback of the IAM Role
- 🔒 API Security hardening
- 🪲 Fixed a bug on the logout process
Google Integration
Version 1.3.0
Google Identity Provider Integration
New Features:
- 📖 Added Google as federated identity provider
Scan & UI Updates
Version 1.2.0
Scan Enhancements & UI Improvements
New Features:
- 🔦 New info: LastScan status, LastScan Timestamp
- 🏷️ Show the account alias if available
- ⏯️ You can now enable or disable a scan
- *️⃣ Scan All accounts at once capability
- 🕵️ Better unused asset detection for EC2
- 🪲 FIX: A bug on AccountID input is now fixed
- ✅ You have to choose at least one notification channel
- 🖱️ FIX: Avoid scan spamming
- 🗯️ FIX: Backend: better response messages
- 🤲 Advanced settings are now grouped
- 📉 Added cloudwatch:getMetricsStatistics to IAM Role (Action needed)
Initial Release
Version 1.0.0
Product Launch
New Features:
- 🚀 Product Launch: Initial version

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